Upload Your Files

File Upload

Now that you’re ready to print, use our easy file upload system to transfer files to our production team. Tell us what we need to know to make your print project a success.


The maximum file size that can be uploaded is 1.5MB. To expedite the upload process, files should be zipped or compressed to reduce file size and upload time. If your file is larger than this please send through DROPBOX.

Accepted File Types

pdf, doc, docx, xls, zip, jpg, jpeg, png, gif, rar, ai, eps, tif, tiff, psd

Please ensure that your document meets our Technical Guidelines

Sending large files?

We recommend using Dropbox for sharing large files over 30 MB.

You can download Dropbox for FREE here: www.dropbox.com

Once installed, place your file or Zipped files in your Dropbox, right-click the file and select “Share Dropbox Link”.  Paste the link in an email and email to sales@digitime.ca

File Upload Service